📄️ ▶ Get Started
Getting started might seem a bit frustrating initially, but fret not😎. This series of documentation will walk you through all the steps and ensure you have a seamless and smooth trading experience with HashgreenSwap.
📄️ 🏫 How to Trade on HashgreenSwap
Exchanging on HashgreenSwap is straightforward and intuitive. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the various features of HashgreenSwap and make your trading as seamless as possible.
📄️ 🧪 How to Test HashgreenSwap on Testnet
Get Ready to Test HashgreenSwap on Testnet
📄️ 📖 Features
📄️ 💱 交易所
什麼是 HashgreenSwap?
📄️ 🏊 流動性礦池
📄️ 🌾 年化農場
年化農場能夠提供給持有 LP 代幣的用戶額外的收入,持有 LP 代幣的用戶能夠將他們的代幣押入農場,以此賺取 HG token,獲取額外收益。
📄️ 🗳️ Hashgreen 去中心化自治組織
HashgreenSwap 以成為真正的去中心化交易所為目標發展,期望建立一個安全且權力分散化的去中心化交易所。所以在未來 HashgreenSwap 的治理將會交給 HashgreenDAO ,而 HG token 會是參與 DAO 的憑證。